There are numerous alcoholic beverages popular in Korea aside from its traditional liquor soju. The top 3 popular beers (mekju) are Cass, Hite and OB Lager.
Cass Breweries was taken over by Oriental Breweries in 1999 which the company makes OB larger and Cafri premium larger. Cass is a 5.0% larger which is one of the 3 most popular beers in Korea. Sold bottled or on tap in Korea, it’s a fairly pale larger reminiscent of many an Asian pale larger.
The Hite brewery is the largest of the South Korean brewers, brewing 9 different beers including Hite, Hite Prime, Hite Stout, Hite Exfeel (light, low cal beer) as well as being the local maker of Fosters and Carlsberg. The popular 4.5% Hite is a micro filtered lager that has a fresh taste which also is the first beer to include a thermometer mark on its label.
OB Lager
This 4.7% Lager has a light golden color and a flavor reminiscent of many Asian beers that use rice in the grain. Owned by Oriental Breweries, there are 3 other types of OB, including a 4.4% new larger and light (low cal) as well as a non alcoholic OB variety. Oriental also makes the 4.0 % Cafri premium larger.
Fact: The legal drinking age in Korea is 19 years old.