Return / Exchange Policy
You may return new, unopened items within 14 days of delivery for a full refund. Items must be returned in new or unused condition and contain all original materials included with the shipment. Products that have been used will be refused and returned to sender at the sender's expense. If the return is a result of our error, we will refund the full cost of the merchandise and shipping charges. Additional guidelines are also noted below.
Items that are not refundable:
- Items more than 14 days after delivery
- Items that has signs of use
- Damaged or defective items
If you receive an incorrect, damaged or defective item, you can request a replacement. We will send you a pre-addressed return label via email. Please print the label and affix it to your package. Include all original packing materials with the product to avoid any additional fees. Use the original shipping box and packing materials, if possible.
If the product was not damaged, defective or wrong item was shipped, you are responsible for all shipping charges. We recommend you return the item via a trackable carrier method via USPS for proof of delivery. cannot replace or provide credit for any item lost during return shipping.
Ship items to:
230 Main Ave
Clifton, NJ 07024
Once we receive your item, we will either credit your original method of payment or ship you a replacement item, based on your request. It takes us 2 to 7 business days to process returns and we will notify you via email if we ship a replacement item.
Upon arrival of your return, we will initiate the refund process. You should expect to receive your refund within 7 days of sending your package to the return shipper. Refunds will be credited first to the original purchasing credit card account number and will take approximately 72 hours to reflect this transaction from your financial institution.
If the return is a result of our error, you will not be charged for return shipping and a pre-addressed UPS return label will be sent via email. However, if the return is not a result of our error, both original shipping and return fees will be deducted from your refund amount.
For additional questions or information, please contact us at . |